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Oct. 29th the Very Reverend Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College in Jerusalem joins Epiphany


Thursday October 26th


How is the war in the Holy Land affecting those who live there, particularly the Christian community? Come to the Church of the Epiphany on Oct. 29th to hear from the Very Reverend Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St. George’s College in Jerusalem, as he speaks about the recent conflict, the past two weeks of life in a war zone, and the Anglican response to the violence. Dean Richard is the first priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to preach in the US since the war began, and his insight will be invaluable to us as we process this deep, common grief.

Dean Richard and his wife JulieAnn, a fundraiser for Jerusalem ministries, will speak at a forum at 9 am; Dean Richard will preach at the 10:30 am Holy Eucharist service. The service will be followed by a family-style potluck supper on the roof deck, weather permitting. We’ll have treats and crafts for the kids, as well. Please bring a dish to share and join us! All are welcome.

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