What does it mean to be an Episcopalian? And how does our particular faith equip us to live lives of love in a busy and daunting world?
Join Fr. Matthew on Sunday mornings for Walk in Love, an Episcopal 101 discussion course. We’ll cover everything from the sacraments to Holy Scripture, church history and governance, and how Episcopalians are particularly keen to see the world. Our discussion are structured, insightful, and light on homework.
We use a highly-respected text as our guide. Fr. Matthew used this book in his last parish with much success. Free copies are available to those who plan to join.
We meet in the East Lobby, the one with the red rug, at 9:30 am. Coffee will be available in the parish hall. And we finish by 10:15 in time for Holy Eucharist.
If you’re a parent thinking of attending but in need of childcare, email Caroline at angell@epiphanynyc.org to make arrangements.